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eCF Alliance

About the eCF Alliance

The eCF Council aims to create a transnational partnership between the major players responsible for IT professionals’ enhancement, namely employers, professional associations, social partners, vocational education and training (VET) providers, higher education, research centres, regulatory bodies, and SMEs, across Europe. This, in response to the critical mismatch between ICT skills demand and offer that Europe is suffering both in terms of trainings and geographical distribution of the required competences against the positions available.


During three years, the eCF Council project partnership will build the eCF Alliance, a stable network of reference stakeholders in the ICT sector whose goal is to foster ICT professionalism at the European and international level.



It will be built upon concrete joint goals, tools and services for e-competence and IT occupation enhancement, and based on a common reference scheme for vocational qualifications and certification, compliant with the European eCompetence Framework (eCF) and the European classification of Skills, Competences, Occupations and Qualifications (ESCO) IT occupations, ensuring transparency and comparability.


The development of recognised and joint ICT VET programmes and certifications based on the new ICT competence standard eCF and the ESCO IT occupations, will be the initial and concrete objective of the eCF Council around which establishing the network.

Click here to download the

eCF Alliance informative brochure

Timeline of the implementation of the project

Website launch
April 2016

Transnational ICT
May 2016

Qualification scheme
October 2016

VET platform


March 2017

Competence certification

May 2018

Kick off
Dec 2015

1st Meeting
June 2016

2nd Meeting
April 2017

3rd Meeting
Feb 2018

Final conference
October 2018

The main objectives of this initiative are:

Developing a common reference scheme for joint qualifications and assessment, according to the ESCO IT occupations. The scheme, based on the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQAVET) and the European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) criteria, will guarantee VET mutual comparability and harmonisation of e-skills curricula at EU level to enable ICT skilled professionals’ and workers’ mobility.
Fostering social dialogue to find common sectorial agreements and job matching approaches between workers and enterprises benefitting from the shared tools settled.
Establishing governance mechanisms based on continuous improvement and quality label.
Main outcomes of the eCF Alliance: 

The eCF Alliance will implement about 15 e-competences from the eCF into learning units; design and implement a joint vocational qualification based on ESCO IT occupations by pilot blended/ local/ transnational joint training actions; develop ESCO/eCF-based competence certifications.
Such pilot initiatives will address at least 120 IT professionals/workers. 

Who are the main partners of the project?

Associate partners:

The eCF Alliance will build a network of stakeholders including:

& SMEs
Employers & professional
Our Services
Our Dentists
Partners of the project
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*Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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